Armley, St Batholomew’s

Bristol, St Mary Redcliffe

Chestertown, Maryland, Emmanuel Church

Cirencester Parish Church

Cullercoats, St George’s Church

Gateshead, St George’s Church

Harrogate, St Wilfrid’s

Hendersonville, St James’s Church, North Carolina

London, All Saints’ Margaret Street

London, The Temple Church

London,Westminster Central Hall

Upper Norwood, St John’s Church

Simonburn, Northumberland

Vero Beach, Florida, Trinity Church

Windsor Castle, St George’s Chapel




Evensong at York Minster

York Minster – The Grand Organ Returns

Voicing the Grand Organ at York Minster


Alexandria, VA, USA Christ Church

York Minster – final stages of front pipes installation

Canterbury Cathedral Evensong

York installation 2020

Pedal Ophicleide being voiced in the workshop

York Minster cabling

York Minster – Voicing the Tuba

Walk round Canterbury Cathedral with Andy Scott


The Voice of King’s: A legend reborn

York Minster – Case pipe update

York Minster – ‘Pepper Pot’ reeds

Salisbury Cathedral – Timelapse video

Canterbury Cathedral – Nov 2019

York Minster Aug 2019

York Minster May 2019

Canterbury Cathedral


St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide

Videos courtesy of Adelaide Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral – New organ pipes at Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral – Voicing the Canterbury Corno di Bassetto

Canterbury Cathedral – Voicing the Solo Flûte Harmonique 8ft

Canterbury Cathedral – Voicing (covering node holes)

Canterbury Cathedral-Removing the organ pipes

Canterbury Cathedral Solo 8ft French Horn being voiced

Our laser machine cutting pipe shades for Adelaide Cathedral

Farewell to the Organ at Canterbury Cathedral

Benoni, St Dunstan’s Cathedral, the Positiv Sesquialtera being voiced

Canterbury Cathedral, Solo 8ft Ophicleide being voiced

Adelaide, St Peter’s Cathedral, Andy Scott voicing 32ft Reed

Canterbury Cathedral – Voicing Transept Great

St George’s, Windsor


Restoration Time Lapse video of King’s

Kelvinside, St Bride’s Episcopal Church

Frogner Kirke – Andy Scott voicing the Contra Basun 32ft

Frogner Kirke – Pedal mixture

Westminster Abbey

More Videos


Colchester Moot Hall ‘Work in Progress’

Peterborough Cathedral ‘Pipewatch’

Peterborough Cathedral Pipewatch no 1

Peterborough Cathedral Pipewatch no 2

Peterborough Cathedral Pipewatch No 3

Peterborough Cathedral Pipewatch No 4

Peterborough Cathedral Pipewatch No 5

Peterborough Cathedral Pipewatch No 6

H&H were filmed on a visit


Blackheath, All Saints’

Colchester Moot Hall

Annfield Plain Junior School document Royal Festival Hall restoration

H&H in 1950 Documentary

London Organ Day 23rd Feb 2013

BBC London News about RFH restoration

RFH Central section re-installed

Time Lapse of RFH reinstallation

RFH restoration lottery fund

London, Temple Church

Royal Festival Hall, London



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