Duncan Mathews, Production DirectorDuncan Mathews,
Production Director

Duncan joined the firm in 1975. He worked closely with Peter Hopps (Head Voicer 1981 to 2011) and Mark Venning, and in 1998 succeeded Alan Howarth as Works Manager. In this role, he managed all of our major projects and was responsible for many technical advances. At the same time he continued to work with Peter on the voicing side, gaining much valuable experience. In 2007 he was appointed as a director of the company.

When Peter retired in April 2011, Duncan assumed the responsibilities of Head Voicer. In this capacity he successfully led the voicing teams at Westminster Central Hall and St Chad’s Shrewsbury. However, since he also has unrivalled experience in the wider aspects of organ building, we sought a way of broadening his contribution to the firm’s work and he was subsequently appointed as Production Director. This entails overseeing production and surveying and reporting on new projects, as well as a continuing involvement in voicing.